Why did we look at the Maui fire fiasco earlier and examine it in some detail?
Why did we discuss dissidents in Germany during the 2nd world war?
How is this relevant to the increasing cost of electricity?

Franklin D Roosevelt is credited with having said, “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way”.

If he is correct, , … then the mismanagement in Maui by governmental bodies “…. was planned that way”. If Franklin D Roosevelt’s claim that nothing in politics happens by accident is true, then including the ever-increasing cost of electricity was planned.

But if it’s true who benefits?

To find out maybe we could follow the money, … the yellow brick road.

The reader, … you, … herein after referred to as “Dorothy”, will need to know who is pulling all the levers behind the curtain. (And, well worth noting the personas of the personified aspects of Dorothy’s legal existence in the Wizard of OZ, including, the TIN man, the STRAW man and the cowardly lion)

But, again I risk digressing.

In Part 1, I provided official information on “who” owns the electrical production and distribution infrastructure in Australia. With the mixture of Government and Private Corporation ownership and control, Mussolini would have, by definition, call the arrangement fascism.

Australia is a resource rich country.
It has 28% of the worlds known Uranium reserves’, it is the 6th largest producer of copper, the 5th largest producer of nickel and the 3rd largest producer of cobalt. It produces 47% of the world’s lithium which is in increasingly higher demand as more and more electric everythings are manufactured.

Australia has over 12 000 years supply of coal, (mined at the 2024 amount used domestically and exported). There has been an average yearly increase 1.8% in coal export over the last decade.
Australia supplies 20% worlds exported gas (including Howard’s Olympic performance of the sale of gas to China which was sold for less than we have to pay for it in our own country)
Australians, sharing in the common wealth of Australia, should be living well in the “Lucky Country”, yet multigenerational Australians’ are living in tents or in their cars and the cost of retail electricity within the country continues to head north (metaphorically speaking).
Ref: https://www.facebook.com/reel/1766466614127009

Sky News reporter Peta Credlin says “Australia’s  energy policy is literally insane. More and more renewable energy over the past decade has made our power supply more expensive and less reliable”.

More here: https://www.skynews.com.au/opinion/peta-credlin/australias-energy-poverty-defies-common-sense-credlin/video/c8ef7483f79497863b8ae3db8dd320df

With these resources in Australian, how come we are not all very Wealthy????
We export coal to China and India (with an average increase in the last decade of 1.8% per year) used in the production of electricity. Whilst Australia plans to reduce the mix of coal fired power stations contributions to the electrical energy mix including the planned closure of these facilities, both China and India are building new coal fired power stations which will be run in part by the coal we export to them allowing them to produce cheap electrical energy used domestically and commercially in the production of manufactured goods. These goods are sold into Australia having been manufactured using cheap labour and without the overhead of expensive electricity.

Is this a level playing field for any Western country?

But this level of insanity is not confined to Australia.

In the last 20 years, 4.6 trillion dollars has been spent on renewables (USA) mainly taxpayer Government subsidies to stop humanities addition to “fossil fuels”. By 2023 the expenditure had achieved zero reduction as consumption of gas, oil and coal continues to rise every year.
That’s a lot of money to spend to achieve nothing. Even with this significant financial expenditure to reduce the consumption of gas, coal and oil, the consumption of these commodities had continued to increase.
Ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBF2fGUO5cQ

The madness, nay the insanity continues and with no accountability in sight for the individuals responsible for these deleterious financial and catastrophic environmental decisions. The predicament may need to become blatantly obvious to even those who are seriously cognitively challenged before the public will united and encourage the fat lady to the stage.

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John Lynn